Visit BCA

The best way to experience BCA is to come on campus and meet our staff and students.  We look forward to meeting you and showing you what our school is all about. 


Our Mission

We endeavor to teach our students from a Christian worldview. Since God's truth is revealed in the scripture, we integrate the truth of scriptural learning in all subject matter. We aspire toward academic excellence and conduct that is honoring to God in an attempt to love Him with all of our hearts, souls, and minds.


Parent Testimonies

"Bethel Christian Academy has been a place where my children not only learned the skills and knowledge to face the world but also the spiritual basic training to face it with faith in God. BCA has been an instrument of God's power, love, and presence even in the difficult times. As a family we are grateful for all they have received and learned in this school. God has used the school to shape part of my children's Christian character and spiritual development, as well as the basic knowledge needed to succeed in a world that is many times indifferent towards God. "

Alex, parent of 2020 graduate and 11th grader

"It was evident from the first time we met the leadership and staff of BCA; they love the Lord and prayerfully seek His guidance in every decision. As parents, we have many options on how our kids can best receive an education. At BCA, our kids are not only receiving a quality education, they are also learning to seek the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength from teachers and staff that model this in their own lives."

Amanda, parent of hybrid 1st and 3rd grader

"BCA took my kids in and loved, supported and prayed with them. BCA has taught them the true Christian values that will stick with them all throughout their lives, and that is something that you cannot put a value on."

Tiffany, parent of K1, 4th, and 8th grader